Competition Results
August 3, 2013

  • Launching standard baseballs.
  • Best of five launches.
  • Misfires (anything that didn’t launch forward) were not counted.
Team Name Launch #1 Launch #2 Launch #3 Launch #4 Launch #5
Team Shackford 95’ 95’6” 106’ (3rd) 84’4” 46’10”
Silver Lake Awesome Pirates* 54’3” 49’3” 22’ 19’ 21’2”
Chocorua Siege 140’5” 148’9” 152’3” 151’2” 152’7” (1st)
Brute Force and Ignorance 79’11” 143’9” (2nd) 116’ 141’3” 142’6”
Priestmans 78’7” 87’4” 55’4” 64’1” 59’7”

*SLAP’s trebuchet’s trigger pin broke after their second launch.

Madison Trebuchet ChallengeSee photos from the competition at

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Madison Trebuchet Challenge results