An interested group of ten people met at the Madison Library earlier this month to learn about Global Awareness Local Action (G.A.L.A)‘s Study Circle program and select one of the twelve different courses to pursue.  The group chose a 7-session course titled “Discovering a Sense of Place”, which focuses on understanding the meaning of a “bioregional perspective”, considering ways to develop an intimate relationship with your place, and to explore what it might mean to protect the place where you live.

The “Discovering a Sense of Place” group will meet weekly for the duration of the course (seven sessions) in the John F. Chick Room at the Madison Library on Wednesday evenings from 7:00-8:30 PM beginning March 27. If you are interested in participating, please register by contacting Heather Thomas at or 603-452-4156 by Friday March 22. The course books cost a discounted $20 each and will be available to pick up and pay for at the Madison Library after registration. All Study Circles are open to the public and have limited space of approximately 8-12 participants.

The study circle curriculum is designed by the Northwest Earth Institute (  Other topics include Voluntary Simplicity, Choices for Sustainable Living, Healthy Children Healthy Planet, Exploring Deep Ecology, and Menu for the Future.

“Discovering a Sense of Place” Study Circle starts March 27