Marty Risch photoAt their October meeting, the Library Trustees took time to thank Marty Risch for all of her–and her late husband Bob’s–contributions to the Madison Library. Marty is moving out of town this month, and the Trustees felt that an in-person presentation of a token of appreciation on behalf of the library and the town was in order. A new rocking chair has been purchased with funds donated to the library in Bob Risch’s memory.

Marty was instrumental in getting the library automated in 1996, a huge organizational task which put all the items in the collection, along with all of the library members’ information into software designed for library systems. This required using a printed checklist to barcode each of the 10,000 or so items in the collection at the time, not a task for the fainthearted! Marty also served as Treasurer for the Friends of Madison Library for 18 years.

In the photo, standing, from left, Trustees Susan Bailey, Mary Russell, Peter Stevens, Angela Johnson, and Tom Reinfuss; seated in chair, Marty Risch.

Thank you, Marty!
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