Online Resources for Job Seekers: Friday, February 3 at 11 am

At this workshop, Library Director Mary Cronin will cover recommended job posting websites, online job search strategies and other resources for job seekers. Discussion will include a tour of Career Cruising, an online resource that is available to members of the Madison Library and several other area libraries. Career Cruising walks each user through a personal inventory of work experience, skills and interests. Using the results, it then identifies steps to take towards career goals, including places to find training. Also included are industry-specific templates for cover letters and resumes, interviews, and other resources. Users can create an online portfolio in Career Cruising of personalized career information. Printed handouts with instructions for using Career Cruising, plus a list of websites covered at the workshop and recommended books for job seekers will be available at the workshop. Training for using the library’s computers for job searches is available by appointment.

Make an Impression at Job Interviews: Friday, February 10 at 11 am

At this workshop, local businessman Scott Birth, who has experience as a hiring manager, will cover the nuts and bolts of job interviews. Learn tips and strategies for making a good presentation to a prospective employer, remembering that most interviews start with the first contact from a prospective employer. A take-home sheet with tips for preparing for an interview, the interview itself, and post-interview follow-up will be available at the workshop.

To register for either or both of the job seekers workshops, please contact the Madison Library at 367-8545.  There is no charge for the workshops, which will be held in the Chick Room at the Madison Library.

Two Skills Workshops for Job Seekers
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