The Friends of Madison Library are hosting a topical NH Humanities Council program on Thursday, October 13. R.P. Hale will present “The 2012 Fraud: Misreading the Maya and Their Calendars” in the library’s Chick Room at 7 pm. All are welcome and refreshments will follow the presentation.

Program description:

How many Ends of the World have you lived through so far? The hysteria surrounding 2012 turns out to be the usual fraud and misrepresentation aimed at separating you from your money, and based on falsehoods about the Maya Calendars. Explore the history of the Apocalypse — mankind’s second oldest story — along with what the Maya Calendars are and how they work. Then, take a look at what the frauds and fearmongers say and “debunk” them yourselves. R.P. Hale, of Aztec heritage himself, presents a fully illustrated and participatory program with a surprising conclusion.

R.P. Hale took his BS in Organic Chemistry at the University of Arizona. He is an interdisciplinary artist, craftsman, musician and historian. He is a senior astronomy education staffer with the McAuliffe-Shepard Discovery Center in Concord. He is a concert harpsichordist and was recognized by the Smithsonian Institute as one of this country’s top harpsichord makers.

Learn more about the Mayan Calendar
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