Our plans for having our Summer Reading Program Wrap-up Party at the beach were foiled by the damp weather, so we gathered in the library’s meeting room for prizes and cake. Each child who completed the program got a gift certificate prize, all of which were donated by generous local businesses. In addition, the children who came to the party today were able to choose a book or stuffed animal to keep. Sunny Macmillan donated some new Arthur books and Carol Felice donated a whole flock of Audubon stuffed animals, mostly seagulls, which was a lot of fun after the kids figured out that they made noise when you squeezed them. We may not have been at the beach today, but it sure sounded like it!

In all, we had 28 children, 2 teens, and 9 adults complete our Summer reading Program, with a total of 45,569 minutes read by the kids (more than 4 hours per week per child on average) plus 71 books read by the teens and adults. If you didn’t come to today’s event, but did hand in a reading log (kids) or submit book reviews (teens and adults), be sure to stop at the library to pick up your prize as soon as possible.

When you’re out and about, be sure to thank our business sponsors:

Summer Reading Program wraps up