The Friends of Madison Library host Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature presented by Clare Long on Tuesday, April 30 at 7 pm in the Chick Room. The Friends of Madison Library Annual Meeting will start at 6:30pm.

Organisms and ecosystems face the same challenges that we humans do, but they meet those challenges sustainably. Biomimicry is a practice that learns from and mimics the strategies found in nature to create products, processes, organizations, and policies that are well adapted to life on earth.

After billions of years of research and development, failures are fossils, and what remains hold the secret to our survival. Whatever the design challenge, the odds are high that one or more of the world’s 10 million+ creatures has not only faced the same challenge, but has evolved well-adapted, effective strategies to solve it. Organisms and ecosystems can provide us with innovative and progressive solutions to the design, engineering, business & innovation challenges that we now face: energy, food production, clean water, benign chemistry, information systems, packaging and more.

Biomimicry is a new way of viewing and valuing nature.

All are welcome.  

Biomimicry: Innovations Inspired by Nature