Your library is lucky to have a number of dedicated volunteers and library supporters, who provide time and funds for specific programs and materials. Without them, we would not be able to purchase as many new books, movies, and magazines, would need to hire additional staff or take longer to respond to inquiries, and projects to improve the library would get put off. If you are interested in helping, here are a few ways:

  • Volunteer to help with our Local History Project
  • Sponsor a Book
  • Help complete our inventory project by locating misshelved books
  • Adopt a section of the library, straighten and put things in order once a month
  • Teach a class, share a skill: right now we’re looking for someone to show people how to organize digital photos, but other ideas are welcome
  • Sponsor a subscription: we could use sponsors for Yankee, Vegetarian Times, The Week, Field & Stream, Outdoor Life, or suggest a title

Contact us anytime to ask about volunteer and sponsorship opportunities.

Ways to help your library