Representatives from area libraries, including our own Madison Library, will be at the MWV Job & Resource Fair from 10 am to 2 pm on Wednesday, October 19 at Granite State College in Conway. We will share some of the resources available at libraries to help local job seekers.

At Madison Library, these include:

  • Career Cruising, an online career guidance and planning tool (please ask us about this, it’s loaded with features, call or stop in for password)
  • Books, ebooks, and audiobooks on writing resumes and cover letters, preparing for job interviews, starting your own business, and more
  • Information about NH businesses and industries
  • One-on-one (by appointment) computer help
  • Starting October 21 a Job Seekers Networking and Support Group will meet on Fridays at 10 am in the library’s Chick Room meeting room. Meet with other job seekers, share tips, stories. Free coffee. We’re looking to bring in community resource persons that can answer or provide guidance on job search topics at some of the meetings.
Library resources for job seekers
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