Dr. George Baker will make an Old Home Week presentation of his program  “E.E. Cummings: A Selected Biography of a North Division Neighbor” on Saturday, August 13 at 3 pm in the library’s Chick Room. This event is sponsored by the Friends of Madison Library and the Madison Historical Society.

Interesting note from Catherine Reef’s biography of Cummings: “Then as now, because Cummings followed his own rules of capitalization, many people wrongly thought that he never capitalized anything, including his name. It was has become so common to see ‘e.e. cummings’ in books that readers often think this is what the author favored. When it came to his name, however, Cummings followed tradition and preferred E.E. Cummings.”

Want to learn more about Cummings? You can find Reef’s book and other Cummings bios, poetry, and his novel, The Enormous Room at the Madison Library.

E. E. Cummings, summer neighbor