We are NOW accepting 20 minute appointments for browsing or computer use starting Wednesday, July 8 during our normal open hours. Call and schedule the time and day that best works for you. When you arrive you will be required to wear a mask when entering (we can provide one for you if are without your own) and either use hand sanitizer or wash your hands in the bathroom before browsing or computer use. We are looking forward to seeing you and are working very hard to make sure we keep both you and our staff safe.

Pick up service is available during ALL our normal open hours: Monday 2-5pm, Tuesday 10-6pm, Wednesday and Thursday 2-7pm, Friday 10-6 pm and Saturday 9-1pm.

You can place a hold on an item(s) by (a) logging into your account* and reserving a book, movie or magazine, (b) calling and leaving a message for us (603-367-8545) with the title and author of the items you are looking for or (c) emailing us at librarian@madison.lib.nh.us.

Returns can be left in the Chick Room at the designated times above or in the drop box. Returns will be quarantined for 72 hours before being checked back in.

Only one person at a time is allowed in the Chick Room to return or pick up their items. Hold requests will be available after the hold is filled and at the next pick up day after that 72 hours has passed. Rest assured, we will call you and let you know what day your item(s) will be available to be picked up. This ensures no item is touched before the patron picks it up for a full 72 hours.

We are excited about getting materials back in your hands! Please give us a call (603-367-8545) or send us an email (librarian@madison.lib.nh.us) if you have any questions.

*don’t know your account number or password – just send me an email: librarian@madison.lib.nh.us

Now taking appointments and “Curbside” update!!