Originally uploaded by Madison Library, Madison, NH

Kevin Coffey and Michelle Gardner provided entertainment for our summer reading program wrap up party on August 18th. (Helped here by Carson).
Story Land passes were awarded to all 36 children who finished their “reading road trip.” Gracie Wallace, Cody Bryan, and Nathan Giarnese also earned a “reading road trip” book bag for reading the most books in their reading level. Teen summer reading program participants Becca Frazel and Sal Pappalardo tied; both read 15 books and earned passes to White Lake Speedway and Mini Golf. Adult summer reading program winner was Hazel Varella, who read 23 books in six weeks (and wrote great, detailed reviews for each one.) Hazel’s prize was brunch for two at the White Mountain Hotel’s Ledges Dining Room. All together, the Madison Library’s summer reading program participants read an impressive 1,087 books in 2007. Thanks, everyone, for a successful program!

Summer Reading Programs wrap up