The Flying Karamazov Brothers, seen here on July 26, 2007 in a benefit performance for the library’s children’s room: It was a great evening, and the FKB’s talents were more than evident as they juggled DANGERous objects, played lots of musical instruments, danced (ballet, clogging, and other), led the audience in a read-aloud through mime, or combinations of any and all of these. There are a lot of people to thank for this event’s success: The Flying Karamazov Brothers, Tammy Flanigan, Randy, Holly, and Lauren Hawkins, Dave Cronin, Paul Jean, Joyce Richardson, the Madison Elementary School custodians Rick, Stan, and Rodney, the Madison Fire Department, Leonora Southwick, Debbie Colcord, and the Madison Library Trustees.

Flying Karamazov Brothers–great show!