If we had as many photos in this year’s Old Home Week photo contest as many times as we heard “I meant to enter a photo, but …” we would have run out of room on the walls of the Chick Room. As it was, we had only 10 entries this year, but they included some great photos. Madison sure is a photogenic place!

Here are the prizes, awarded on Saturday:

1st place: Sean Dunker-Bendigo for his photo “There’s No Place Like Home for Fun”
2nd place: Alexis Noel for her photo “Dewdrops”
3rd place: Alexis Noel for her photo “Best Friends”
Honorable Mention: Samantha Forde for her photo “Morning Peace”
Honorable Mention: Ernest Menard for his photo “Another Day in Paradise”
People’s Choice Award: Alexis Noel for her photo “Dewdrops”

Judges from the North Country Camera Club determined the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and honorable mention prizes. People who attended the show and voted for their favorite photo determined the People’s Choice.

Thanks to Dave Holt and the North Country Camera Club, and to Spectrum Photo and the Old Home Week Committee for sponsoring prizes.


Photo Contest winners