We have a regular book group at the Madison Library with monthly meetings. While we seem to hand out about 10 to 12 books each time (not bad for a small library), we never have near that amount of people at the discussions. This past Monday, we had three people to discuss The Mapmaker’s Wife: me (Mary), Anne, who led the discussion, and Dorothy, who didn’t like the book, but wanted to hear what about it interested other people. So, to lure some of the rest of you to book group, here’s an affirmation of sorts:

  • Book group is not for credit. If I don’t finish the book, it is okay.
  • If I feel I have nothing to contribute to a discussion, I can just listen.
  • Talking about a book I dislike is as interesting (if not more) as talking about a book I love.
  • Book discussions can go in all directions. Often it is big ideas that get discussed instead of the nitty-gritty details.
  • I can learn a lot from other people, and I can get some really good book recommendations.
  • There’s usually good refreshments.
  • I can suggest a book that I’ve been wanting to read for book group. Chances are someone else wants to read it, too.

We’re reading Rules for Old Men Waiting by Peter Pouncey in July. Come pick up a book, and join us for the discussion on July 24th at 7 pm.

book group: not for credit