Bob and TugOn Thursday, February 23 at 7 pm the Friends of Madison Library will host the presentation “Harnessing History: On the Trail of New Hampshire’s State Dog, the Chinook” by local historian and dog lover Bob Cottrell. This free event will be held in the library’s Chick Room.

Called Chinooks after the original Great Chinook, the first of his breed, these dogs were originally developed as sled dogs and are one of only a few breeds created in America. They were established in the early 20th century in New Hampshire and their blood line can be traced to a single individual. There are only about 800 Chinooks living today. Chinooks make great pets and are wonderful around children. Cottrell will be accompanied at this event by Tug, a Chinook dog.

All are welcome to attend and refreshments will follow the presentation. In the event of bad weather, the talk will be rescheduled to March 1.


Learn About Chinook Dogs