Wintertime Play Group: Friday mornings at 9 am

Starting this Friday, we’ll be opening the children’s room at 9 am (an hour before library opens) for a Wintertime Play Group for babies, toddlers, parents, and caregivers. Use the children’s room entrance on the left side of the building. If school’s cancelled because of bad weather, so is Play Group. Stop in after dropping off older siblings at school. Story time will start at 10 am on most of the Fridays.

Film Fanatics’ Free Movies: Wednesdays at 1 pm starting January 18.

The Madison Library has purchased a site license to show films! We’re starting off with a series of Oscar winners. Join assistant librarian Leonora to watch and talk about movies and speculate about this year’s Oscar nominees and winners. Bring your own snack or bag lunch. Our license doesn’t allow us to list movie titles on our website, but look for posters around town and at the library, or call us to find out which movie’s playing.

We’re firming up plans for more wintertime events, look for our winter newsletter with all the details soon.

New programs for 2012