The Friends of Madison Library (FOML) are looking for new members. The Friends are a registered nonprofit organization whose purpose is to support the Madison Library through fundraising and programming. The FOML is the group that brings you:

  • the annual book sale during Old Home Week
  • cultural programs for adults several times a year (with delicious refreshments served afterwards)
  • funding for a children’s performance during the summer
  • an annual book and author luncheon
  • new furnishings and equipment for the library
  • new books for the library

The FOML is looking for a Secretary to take minutes at about six Executive Board meetings a year, for a Treasurer, and for volunteers to provide home baked refreshments for this year’s Town Meeting on Saturday, March 12.  Interested? Contact Carol Batchelder at 367-4313 and plan to join the FOML at their next meeting on January 10 at 1 pm at Carol’s house on Village Road next to the Silver Lake Post Office.

Friends of Madison Library need you!