As summer gets under way, we’ll be expecting our computers to get a lot of use by visitors and summer residents. Here are some answers to commonly asked questions about using library computers:

  • Yes, we have wifi, or wireless internet. No, there is not a password, which your computer’s security system may or may not like. Wifi reaches into the parking lot, but please do not idle your engine to run your car’s air conditioner, there’s cool air and a warm welcome inside.
  • Yes, we have public computers: Three in the adult section of the library, and soon we’ll be adding a laptop for quick email/social network checks, plus a new children’s room computer for use by children 12 and younger. Please read our Computer Use Policy before using library computers.
  • Printing and faxing are both available for a fee: 15 cents per page to print, 50 cents per page to fax.
A word about computers
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