Download printable flyer with list of events
BINGO cards for Early Literacy, Kids, Teens and Adults!! Come in and grab a card!
For kids (teens and adults welcome, too)
- Sign Up starts on Tuesday, June 20. We offer programs for all ages, from 3-103, because reading ia an activity that can be enjoyed for a lifetime!
- Friends of Madison Library monthly book sale, Sat., July 15 and August 19 from 9 am to noon. There will be LOTS of children’s books this month. Come stock up! Fill those beach and camp bags with books.
- Story time and Activity, Every Monday at 9:30am. For ages 2-6.
- Nature Scavenger Hunt, Tuesday, June 27 at 2:00 pm. With Sumac Grant-Johnson.
- Rocks of Kindness, Wed., July 5 at 2:00 pm. Bring in a rock to paint. All ages welcome.
- Whales and Seals, Mon., July 10 at 1:00 pm. Following a read-aloud, a marine docent will visit the library to teach us about fascinating aquatic creatures: what they eat and how they stay warm. Hands-on, interactive activities too.
- Guided Discovery Collage:, Wed., July 12 at 3:00 pm. Limited space – please call to register. All ages welcome. With local artist JP Goodwin.
- Loon Preservation Program, Thurs., July 20 at 3:00pm. Information about loons, their biology, and the threats they face.
- Junior Ranger Program, Mon., July 24 at 2 pm at Madison Elementary School gym. Presented by the Forest Service: Leave no trace, hike safe, bear safety and much more!
- Experimenting with UV-sensitive beads: Wed., August 2 at 2:00 pm: Learn about ultraviolet light with a NASA HEAT Education specialist. All ages welcome.
- Touch a Truck/ Library birthday celebration: Wed., August 9 at 4:00pm. Trucks from Fire, Police and DPW to explore and cake to celebrate the Library being 30 years in the current building (130 years in Madison!)
- Deadline to bring in your completed Bingo sheets: Wednesday, August 2.
- Bookmark Contest: Due by Saturday, July 8. Pick up a bookmark form at the library, design a bookmark with the theme “All Together Now.” Winners’ bookmarks will be reproduced and distributed at the library this summer and throughout the year. Open to all kids AND adults!
- Tiny Art Show: Kits available July 1 for OHW exhibit. Kits due back by August 3rd. Open to all ages.
- Puzzle Swap: Wednesday, July 26 from 4-6 pm. Beginning July 12, you can drop off puzzles at the library and receive a coupon with the amount of puzzles donated. When you come back for the Puzzle Swap, bring your coupon and you can pick as many puzzles as you donated. Donated puzzles must have all their pieces and be 250 pieces or more.
- Cookie Exchange: Wed., August 2 from 5-6pm. For more information check website.
- Snack Drive: for Madison Elementary School: We are collecting individually wrapped packages of Cheez-its, pretzels, goldfish, PB or Cheese crackers, and granola bars. Please leave at desk during our open hours. We thank you in advance for your generosity!
Adult Book Group meets on fourth Tuesdays at 7 pm. Refreshments! Borrow books ahead of time at the library.
- July 25: West with Giraffes by Lynda Rutledge
- August 22: The Girl with Seven Names by Hyeonseo Lee
Summer Reading 2023!