This coming Tuesday (2/11), at 10:30 am, is the last drop-in Tech Q&A session for the winter. Beginning on February 25, in the same Tuesday at 10:30 am time slot, we will begin a series of Tech Workshops, each week covering a different topic. Here is the line-up, and please feel free to suggest a tech topic for an upcoming workshop.

  • February 25: Customizing your internet browser. A browser is the program you use to get on the internet. Examples of browsers are Firefox, Internet Explorer (“the blue e”), and Chrome.
  • March 4: Power searching with Google
  • March 11: Keeping up with updates
  • March 18: A tour of Windows 8
  • March 25: Creating strong passwords (that you can remember)
  • April 1: “Where’d that file go?” – Managing downloads and organizing files
  • April 8: iPad basics – hands-on for those who’d like to try one out
  • April 15: What is the Cloud? – getting started with Google Drive and Evernote
Technology training