Join us on Tuesday, October 11 at 1 pm at the Silver Lake Landing meeting room to hear author Rosamond van der Linde read excerpts of her new book A Piano In Every Room. This event will take place right after the Gibson Center’s congregate meal at Silver Lake Landing, and is free and open to the public.

Rosamond van der Linde co-founded a music school unlike any other, blending love of music, love of people and a passionate commitment to education, and community service. A Piano in Every Room tells how van der Linde founded, along with her husband, the Sonatina School of Piano in their home in Vermont, living and teaching in a 42-room home with 34 pianos while they raised their five children with love and music. The story is about a dynamic family that created a music enterprise and thrived within it.

For close to forty years the entire family has been involved in teaching piano, building the music school, summer and adult camps all of which have been written up in books, magazines, The New York Times, Forbes Magazine, and profiled on PBS, New England Channel News, and CNN News. This has generated hundreds of questions as to how it all came about and how the van der Lindes did it. This book provides the answers by the founder herself.

Author to speak on October 11