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The Red Cross urges people to take steps over the next few days as the storm approaches to help ensure their safety and the safety of their loved ones. They include:

  • Get a three-day supply of water ready for each person (one gallon per person, per day) on hand, along with food that doesn’t require refrigeration, flashlights, a battery-operated radio and a first aid kit.
  • Be sure you have several days’ supply of any prescriptions you or family members are taking.
  • Plan routes to emergency shelters and register family members with special needs with local authorities as required.
  • Make plans for pets. Have extra food on hand, as well as any medications they need on a regular basis.
  • Bring items inside that can be picked up by the wind.
  • As the storm nears, turn the refrigerator and freezer to the coldest settings and keep them closed as much as possible so food will last longer if the power goes out.
  • Fill your vehicle’s gas tank.
  • If high winds are in the forecast for your area, close windows, doors and hurricane shutters. If hurricane shutters are not an option, close and board up windows and doors with plywood.
Getting ready for storm