Recently added videos in DVD format:

  • Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen: part two in the sci-fi action series with Shia LeBoeuf
  • Battlestar Galactica: The Plan: Stand-alone movie from popular TV series with Edward James Olmos

Not new releases, but replacements for lost DVDs or popular and wearing out VHSs:

  • Ghandi
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • Anne of Green Gables, The Sequel (same as VHS Anne of Avonlea)
  • The Road to Perdition

And some music on CD:

  • Glass Bead Game, James Blackshaw
  • Piety Street, John Scofield
  • Wilco, Wilco
  • Nina Simone Sings the Blues, Nina Simone
New videos, music