Adult Book Group meets monthly, on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 pm. Book choices vary, from mysteries to travel, literary fiction to gritty memoir. All are welcome to join discussion, whether or not you’ve read the book (but we won’t promise not to spoil the ending if you didn’t finish), and refreshments are always served. Books can be borrowed a month before each discussion.

Upcoming titles:




Previous Years

Previous Years – Kids Book Clubs

Community Book Clubs: Got a group already or planning to put a group together? We can provide multiple copies of books borrowed from other NH libraries, and can also provide resources or suggestions for picking titles, discussion guides, and even a meeting room for your group. When choosing titles, note that current bestsellers are rarely available for borrowing. In addition, NH Library Association’s READS group offers READS-to-Go offers book club kits, bags filled with 15 copies of a single title along with a discussion guide. Their website has a list of the available titles. Contact us to arrange to borrow one of the bags.